Dresden Lives

Несмотря на все слухи и, чего уж там, факты, я должен сообщить тебе одну маленькую тайну. Гарри жив.

Итак, записавшись на плейтест Dresden Lives — LARP-версию правил Dresden Files — я вчера получил такое вот письмо:

Thank you for agreeing to the disclosure pledge and for signing up to play-test Dresden Lives!
Here's all the information you need:
1. Playtest Doc and Print and Play Deck of Dresden
2. Invite to the Google Group
3. Post-Playtest Survey
4. Timeline

Playtest Docs
Here is the link to download the play-test draft and print and play deck. As per the disclosure agreement please do not share this link with anyone that is not in your play-test group: www.dropbox.com/sh/qmitp3w95c4zkuk/AAAWR06PQA5i5_VTOCU0y463a

Google Group

We have a Google group made for all of the play-testers to talk among themselves (and when they are available, the authors) about their play-test experiences. If you would like to join the group, her's the link: groups.google.com/group/dresden-lives-playtest-group/subscribe

Post-Playtest Survey

This is super important and where you get to make a difference!
After each game you play or GM, please fill out this survey. Since there is a page for both GMs and players, please encourage everyone in your group to fill it out. The more we know the better we'll make the game! Also, this is how you'll get credit for play-testing!



The Play-test window will run until 7/15. During that time please try to run two or more games and ask everyone that participates (GMs and players) to submit feedback.

Thanks again. You rock!

Sean Nittner
Narrative Control — narrativecontrol.com — Host
Big Bad Con — bigbadcon.com — Producer
Evil Hat — evilhat.com — Project Manager
seannittner.com | @seannittner

Я прочел эту замечательную книжку на 130 с небольшим хреном страниц.
И мой вердикт — отличная игра. Для настолки. Я не был знаком с Dresden Files, и сеттинг показался мне не очень интересным это же WoD!, однако легкость его реализации на FATE после Pax Psyhosys пролила бальзам на мою израненную душу.
Однако есть одно «но», которое смущает меня — разработчики пишут, что это — LARP-правила, после чего говорят нам о скиллах investigation, raport и athletics и stunt'ах, которые подразумевают с одной стороны непрерывное физическое действие, а с другой — «достали карточки и померялись».
В общем, для LARP'a пол-книги надо выкидывать, а вторую половину — упрощать. Иначе игра будет про то, как игроки показывают друг другу карточки и кричат большие цифры, вместо того, чтобы разговаривать, гонять по городу и искать тайники.
Хватит уже и того, что игрокам нужно носить с собой колоду карт.

Прошу всех желающих ознакомиться и высказать мнение, где я не прав, потому что меня не покидает смутное ощущение, что я просто что-то неверно понял.

16 комментариев

Ты учти, что местная и американская традиции LARP несколько отличаются.

Ну, и ссылки выкладывать в публичный доступ как-то… неэтично, что ли?
Там было несколько писем. В одном из них сказано «распространяйте, если люди будут фидбечить»
Ок. Кстати, а ты читал что-нибудь из миротьмовского Mind's Eye Theatre?
Нет. Я вообще необразованный. Но у меня есть знакомый, который регулярно читает мне лекции по Старому Миру Тьмы.
MET — это правила для кабинетных игр по МТ, вкратце. Если есть желание, можешь найти правила и почитать. Тамошняя организация игры, судя по твоему обзору, во многом напоминает Dresden Lives.
Прошу всех желающих ознакомиться и высказать мнение
По мелочам:
Я не был знаком с Dresden Files, и сеттинг показался мне не очень интересным
Потому что это, в первую очередь, литературная серия. Миры для романов и миры играбельные строятся по разным принципам. наоборот, то, что из Дрездена получается-таки сеттинг — это своеобразная профдеформация Джима Батчера как ролевика.

И мой вердикт — отличная игра. Для настолки.
Для настолки есть The Dresden Files RPG. Она лучше для настольных целей подходит. Кроме того, там-таки заметно больше и вменяемее про сеттинг написано.

легкость его реализации на FATE после Pax Psyhosys пролила бальзам на мою израненную душу

Однако есть одно «но», которое смущает меня — разработчики пишут, что это — LARP-правила, после чего говорят нам о скиллах investigation, raport и athletics и stunt'ах,
У меня те же впечатления. LARP по Fate — идея хорошая, но, блин, медиум полевки и кабинетки нужно использовать по назначению. А то Rapport им еще кидать. :D
По мелочам: если боевка все же проходит в воображении (что зависит от формата игры), то Athletics все-таки штука не лишняя (это дефенс персонажа по умолчанию). А какая у тебя проблема со стантами?
Там есть удачные станты. Есть неудачные. Например из неудачных — какое-то-там-фу:
пробегитесь 3 шага до атаки. Киньте атлетику вместо файта.
То есть я такой бегу и тут резко… Достаю колоду карт.
Ну это проблема не стантов, а боевой системы в целом.
Да. Буду серьезно перепиливать под игру.
Framework заставляет мастера совершать очень много работы.
Ответы стоит выложить дополнением к посту или комментарием :) Доступ в ту группу в Google+ есть не у всех.
I just have recieved playtest materials. I read them and i can say only one thing — Dresden Lives useless for LARP.
I love FATE. I probably will run table-campaign with this book. But can't even imagine, how to play DL in Live-Action without reworking half of system.
It's simple — too much mechanics for LARP.
About skills:
When russian players play LARP, they don't opportunity athletic check to catch someone. They just run for their target. Using Thir legs, not stats. Why? Coz it's LARP, not tabletop. We need feelings of running. Not feeling of card-shuffling.
So, if i'll run game, i remove many skills from list. For example:
athletics (if someone gonna run — he maust run),
raport (when someone gonna talk — he must tlak, not shuffle his deck),
drive (you don't need drie, if you han't a car. You MUST get drive if you have a car. Unfair),
contacts (for flat-format. Good skill for city-games. Not for checking, but for starting contacts of another players),
crafts (hey! people must play, not seat and wait!),
empathy (you must chek people for that, not your skill, it's LARP),
investigate (you will get clue when you'll find it. Wanna play detective? Be a detective),
notice\stealth (for some games it will be good, for other — useless. Anyway, only supernatural ability can make character unspotted if its player was seen.)

Feeding (emotions) by provoke. Opposite check vs provoke, not vs will. That's strange, but i'll search later — may be someone discussed it already.

Now — invoking aspects.
Aspects in LARP, as i see it — simple way to show character's soul to its player. But when i will ask my players «can you invoke this aspect in this situation?», they will always answer «YES!», regardless of aspect and situation. Not everyone is so honest, as i'd like to see them. And when you are honest — you will lose to more unsporting player. You know it. You begin to play unfair. I don't want give to my players mechanics, that says «play dirty!» to them.
If i will run game, i'll remove invoke\compel system.

Thaumaturgy — very powerfull thing. Too much powerfull. Blasting rods? Hah. Uselessm when you have guns. Tracking and stealthing rituals — that's the power.
In my future game thaumaturgy will have very high target number, but special ingridients (fairy tale, ear of vampire, i don't know what else) will get also large bonuses for casting.

If i wrong — tell me.
Sorry for bad english =)
With great regards, Zerginwan.
Hi Zerginwan,

First, thank you for the feedback! And I want to also say, thank you for taking a playtest of this game out in Russia, it's really exciting to hear that the game is being tested out there. Let me try to explain a little bit about the issues you pointed out.

I think a lot of what you're pointing out is a difference in style in LARPs between some games which are more mechanics heavy and those that are mechanics lighter. Mechanics heavier games are meant to simulate things that cannot be put into LARPs but are still experiences you want to see happen. For example: (and this may be a cultural difference in LARPs between US where this game was written and Russia) but as this is not considered a live combat game, we don't have a lot of physical contact in our games. That changes from group to group but by and large the games are written to give people a way to simulate challenges between people that you cannot do in the game safely or without legal issue.

Drive is a very good example of this. I've seen and been involved in games where you get into a car to simulate a chase scene. Yet you don't want someone attempting to pull crazy chase mechanics in two sedans on a highway driving from, say, one location of a LARP to another. So while your driver drives, someone pulling a card for them might use the Drive skill in a card challenge to simulate a car chase. So that you don't, you know, actually have a car chase.

Now here's the fun part: if your game in particular wants to add more physicality and not have to do challenges every few minutes, go for it. The idea of the mechanics is to offer a framework for resolving things that you cannot physically put into your game. Can't create a complex detective's puzzle around a fake dead body? There's investigation checks to simulate it for you. But if you want to create a complicated crime scene with physical props and such, great! Have the players roleplay it out, find the clues, and then if they get stuck they can use the mechanics for additional help with the plot team.

The aim is for the best story to be told, not for the mechanics to necessarily hold you hostage to a specific style of play.

In that same spirit, the Aspect system and invoking/compelling works to allow people's personal character Aspects to influence the scene. If your Aspect is, for example, Hot Shot White Council Wizard, and you use that Aspect as part of a challenge, that Aspect should be used to help resolve what you do in the story. It must be applicable to your actions and must be applicable to what you're doing. If you're, for example, trying to bandage the leg of an injured dog and try to use the Aspect, Hot Shot White Council Wizard, either you better be calling up the White Council for tips on how to fix that dog's leg or else that Aspect is not applicable. Does this require players to be honest? Here's the thing — to an extent, yes. It requires players to be honest. It requires them to say out loud also, «I am using Hot Shot Wizard of the White Council» and if someone believes it does not apply, they say so.

Unsporting players are a problem in any game you play in, yet Dresden Lives is written in the spirit of open and honest dramatic community play. What that meant to us is the idea that (much like in Fate games) you're out to tell a great story with awesome characters that empowers the players to do awesome things. And if there are players who act unsporting, the idea would be to speak up to that player and declare said behavior unsportsmanlike, instead of reworking games around unsportsmanlike behavior.

I understand that different LARP communities have different expectations of the way LARP 'should' be played, but lots of different LARPs are written with different designs and different expectations of players. This one might not have the same expectations your players are used to, and that I understand completely. But as part of this playtest we're asking folks from different LARP groups to try out the way it is written to see if it does work, and how it feels to players, rather than tossing it out completely before trying it. It's hard for us to know if the mechanic works then at all if people pre-judge it based on their previous expectations with other styles of LARP, you know?

I hope that answers some of your issues. Its pretty early morning here, so I tried to tackle the few to start.


Shoshana Kessock
Thank you for answering.

OK, now i see the point =)
My tabletop experience tolds me «Hey, man! They put those rules in a book. You MUST use them!»
That was my mistake.

In Saint-Petersburg LARPers usually use 2 core mechanics for physical interactions:
1. Real-time. You take your sword\knife\gun and try to hit opponent. Full-contact with different rules from game to game. I don't like this way, coz i'm not fighter by myself.
2. Opponents use some mechanics (also — different from game to game) and now, when they know, who win, they perform loud drama act, where they show to other players, who and how wins. I will use this way in my game. But probably many-round fights will take too much time. Will test it anyway.

I can't remember any game with drag-racers. So even didn't think about that opportunity (coz it's really dangerous, at fact=))

Still process of invoking\compelling looks bad for me.
GM not always can see, what happens between players. So compelling is locked without really good casting.
Players must to say which aspect they're invoking now? Perfect. Now everyone knows, that this good and honest character has aspect «remediless liar».
But problem with invoking really not so big — with limited ammount of FatePoints, people really will take care for it. Will test =)

Anyway — thanks for answers.
Todd Grotenhuis

With limited Fate points, did you still have people trying to use their Aspects too much? I guess I've always felt like this was a self-balancing thing. If they stretch it for one action, they won't have it later, unless they are willing to accept a compel (or in _Lives_, a mark or bond-compel).
One thing I would say is that while it is LARP, there are other factors.

Some people are not as athletic as their characters, the stats help adjust that, You can adjucate the scene with and then «act out» the resolution. that is very cool.

I often take my brother to events, he is handicapped and does not have the ability to run. The stats and character let him have the experience of being a hero, even though he is not physically able to do many things

I think that the rules are important to allow those not as physically able to be involved and have fun with the rest.

Eric D
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