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Thank you for answering.

OK, now i see the point =)
My tabletop experience tolds me «Hey, man! They put those rules in a book. You MUST use them!»
That was my mistake.

In Saint-Petersburg LARPers usually use 2 core mechanics for physical interactions:
1. Real-time. You take your sword\knife\gun and try to hit opponent. Full-contact with different rules from game to game. I don't like this way, coz i'm not fighter by myself.
2. Opponents use some mechanics (also — different from game to game) and now, when they know, who win, they perform loud drama act, where they show to other players, who and how wins. I will use this way in my game. But probably many-round fights will take too much time. Will test it anyway.

I can't remember any game with drag-racers. So even didn't think about that opportunity (coz it's really dangerous, at fact=))

Still process of invoking\compelling looks bad for me.
GM not always can see, what happens between players. So compelling is locked without really good casting.
Players must to say which aspect they're invoking now? Perfect. Now everyone knows, that this good and honest character has aspect «remediless liar».
But problem with invoking really not so big — with limited ammount of FatePoints, people really will take care for it. Will test =)

Anyway — thanks for answers.