Итоги голосования для комментария:
Накилевий Тринадцатый, эсквайр И вообще, комбо Минск/Бу + Лил было убийственно во всех смыслах.

PROTAGONIST: What's your status, sword?
LILARCOR: «What's my status? Since when do you care about me, unless I'm impaled in something's guts? Oh, well, fine, let me think for a minute… Well, since you asked, I would like to register a complaint. I want to kill a dragon. Right now. Go find one and kill it. That would be SO cool.»
MINSC: Minsc agrees! It would be the essence of epic heroing! Dead dragons should litter our path wherever we go!!!
LILARCOR: «I agree with the Rashemaar. Give me to him, willya? What a pair! Me the brains with the edge, him the brawn with the hamster! A legend in the making...»