Итоги голосования для комментария:
Левый глаз стрелка видит только на 10 процентов от нормы, а правый – на 20.
При этом кореец не носит контактных линз или очков и ориентируется по ярким цветам на мишени.
-50 points
You cannot see at all.
Bad Sight
You have poor vision.
Nearsighted: You cannot read small print, computer displays, etc., more than a foot away, or road signs, etc., at more than about 10 yards. You are at -6 to Vision rolls to spot items more than one yard away. When making a melee attack, you are at -2 to skill. When making a ranged attack, double the actual distance to the target when calculating the range modifier. -25 points.