Итоги голосования для комментария:
может трактоваться очень по разному

Be a fan of the players’ characters. “Make the characters’ lives
not boring” does not mean “always worse.” Sometimes worse,
sure, of course. Always? Definitely not.
The worst way there is to make a character’s life more interesting
is to take away the things that made the character cool to begin
with. The gunlugger’s guns, but also the gunlugger’s collection
of ancient photographs — what makes the character match
our expectations and also what makes the character rise above
them. Don’t take those away.
The other worst way is to deny the character success when the
character’s fought for it and won it. Always give the characters
what they work for! No, the way to make a character’s success
interesting is to make it consequential. When a character accomplishes
something, have all of your NPCs respond. Reevaluate all
those PC–NPC–PC triangles you’ve been creating. Whose needs
change? Whose opinions change? Who was an enemy, but now
is afraid; who was an enemy, but now sees better opportunities
as an ally? Let the characters’ successes make waves outward, let
them topple the already unstable situation. There are no status
quos in Apocalypse World! Even life doesn’t always suck.
“Make as hard and direct a move as you like” means just that.
As hard and direct as you like. It doesn’t mean “make the worst
move you can think of.” Apocalypse World is already out to get
the players’ characters. So are the game’s rules. If you, the MC,
are out to get them too, they’re plain fucked.
This goes for highlighting stats, too. When you highlight a
character’s stats, try to choose one that’ll show off who the
character is. Switch up often — for certain don’t just choose the
lowest stat and stick with it — and try to make sure that the
character usually has at least one high stat highlighted.