Итоги голосования для комментария:
Фланнан дал добро на следующие предметы из ДФ1-25 с условием, что они в Колонии (Тауранге) не делаются, а должны заказываться с островов заранее:
4 Caltrops. Take a Ready maneuver to deploy. Victims who
miss a Vision-2 roll step on a number of spikes equal to margin
of failure. Each inflicts thr-3 imp – based on his ST – to the
foot. Caltrops that penetrate DR continue to do damage each
turn until removed (two Ready maneuvers). Enough for one
hex: $5, 0.5 lb.
9 Holy Water. Small bottle holds enough (1/2 pint) to damage
an unholy creature with a suitable Weakness. Hurl it using the
“grenade” rules; see Concoctions (p. 28). $15, 1 lb.
10 Bull’s-Eye Lantern. Shuttered lantern with lens throws a 10-
yard beam. Requires a hand. Burns for 6 hours on 1 pint of oil.
$100, 2 lbs.
11 Acid (Grenade). Ordinary acid inflicts 1d-3 corrosion
damage; DR protects normally. Can instead be used to burn
through a mundane lock in 3d minutes. $10, 1 lb.
14 Anti-Toxin (Drinkable). Herbal antidote for one specific
non-alchemical poison or venom. Completely halts effects of
that toxin after 1d minutes. $20, 0.5 lb.
15 Monster Drool (Utility). Generic blade venom made from
giant centipedes, spiders, or whatever else is in season. Often
used on whole quivers of arrows because it’s cheap. A living
victim must make an immediate HT roll or suffer 2 points of
injury. $20, 0.5 lb.
16 Oozing Doom (Grenade). Contact agent made from slimes.
Soaks clothing – or enters cracks in manmade or natural
armor – in DR seconds. Living victims then take 2d injury, or
only 1d with a HT roll. $100, 1 lb.