Arcane Gray wondered where the hell the Nosferatu who had stolen her sire's amulet could be. She knew it was a Sewer Rat – she'd seen him long enough to know that he was ugly as sin – but she couldn't describe him to anyone in any detail. Even the Kindred who knew the Nosferatu «can't put a name to the face.» Maybe it was time to give up. Certain Kindred are inherently unknowable, and those around them often fail to notice them, let alone their undead states. Some vampires have the ability to remain anonymous. This strange ability generally manifests as a strange nepenthe, whereby the person trying to remember the Kindred experiences only a strange nostalgia, absent of any detail. A vampire with a high Arcane Trait may attempt to vanish from view, or she may simply seem too ordinary to notice. This is not similar to Obfuscate, per se, and it certainly does not help in combative (or potentially so) situations – the Kindred won't be disappearing into a puff of smoke or lingering invisibly before anyone's eyes. If someone searches for the Kindred, their quest may well prove fruitless: Somehow, no one remembers her, or the camera was out of tape, or the guard was too far away to give a reliable description. ...