Итоги голосования для комментария:
Я уверен, что если прочитать правила, то будет виднее.
В случае того что мы закрывались щитом, то мы принимаем это за dive for cover, который в этом самом гурпсу у нас кажется будет как додж и дроп с +3 + бонус от щита. И при успехе свой effective DR считаем с +DR от щита. Либо читаем как оно есть — мы за ковром и ничего не получили:
Damage Resistance protects normally against large-area injury – but if your DR varies by location, your “effective DR” is the average of your torso DR and the DR of the least protected hit location exposed to the attack (which could still be your torso), rounding up. If your DR varies against different attacks, “least protected” refers to the location with the lowest DR against that particular type of attack
A location protected by cover or masked by the body does not count as “exposed to the attack.” Against an explosion or cone, only locations facing the blast or cone are exposed (e.g., if you’re turned away, your face and eyes aren’t exposed). For damage caused by immersion in a hazardous environment (e.g., fire or acid), only the immersed locations are exposed. Against a true area effect, all locations are exposed.