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Table 6-9: Short-Term Temporary Insanity Effects
d% Effect
01-20 GM faints (can be awakened by vigorous action taking 1 round; thereafter, GM is shaken until duration expires).
21-30 GM has a screaming fit.
31-40 GM flees in panic.
41-50 GM shows physical hysterics or emotional outburst (laughing, crying, and so on).
51-55 GM babbles in incoherent rapid speech or in logorrhea (a torrent of coherent speech).
56-60 GM gripped by intense phobia, perhaps rooting her to the spot.
61-65 GM becomes homicidal, dealing harm to nearest person as efficiently as possible.
66-70 GM has hallucinations or delusions (details at the discretion of the GM).
71-75 GM gripped with echopraxia or echolalia (saying or doing whatever those nearby say or do).
76-80 GM gripped with strange or deviant eating desire (dirt, slime, cannibalism, and so on).
81-90 GM falls into a stupor (assumes fetal position, oblivious to events around her).
91-99 GM becomes catatonic (can stand but has no will or interest; may be led or forced to simple actions but takes no independent action).
100 Roll on Table 6-10: Long-Term Temporary Insanity Effects.
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