Итоги голосования для комментария:
Каждый за столом должен быть согласен с предоставленной «Искрой».
Только проблема-то закладывается на первых двух шагах:
Go around the table, and ask each person to name one of their favourite pieces of media. This is could be a book, a movie, video game, comic, poem, or a song. It's okay if other people don’t know the media someone mentions, so try to make them unique.

Go around the table again. Now, everyone explains what they like the most about their choice. Make a numbered list of these explanations under the heading of Inspirations. Each person can add more Inspirations to the list if they want.

И усугубляется пятым:
Everyone at the table should take two tokens from the supply. The GM then starts the process by asking one question about the setting. Questions must be based on the Inspirations you previously created, and ideally, they should focus on how two specific inspirations interrelate.