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Бозон медведя
Не совсем понял. В смысле если один раз проглитчило, то коррапшн уже не остановить?
В правилах написано так так:
If you are taken out and have no lives left, your code has been weakened enough to be infected by the Glitch. You may fade away peacefully, or you may keep your character, replacing your trouble aspect with Infected by the Glitch. Compelling this aspect can spread the Glitch or compel the infected character to take special precautions to hide the infection from friends and potential allies. Every time an infected character is taken out, change another aspect to reflect further corruption by the Glitch. A character becomes fully corrupted—and turned into an NPC—when its high concept is changed.
То есть да, после заражения уже ничего не поможет.