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Update on Product From China
All of our product from China except for the last two containers is either in our hand or at a Customs warehouse awaiting clearance. However, due to recent labor situations on the West Coast having a domino effect on everything, we no longer have a timetable for the delivery of the final shipment of two containers. We have been told that our previous timetables had to be altered due to these circumstances, and no new timetables have been given, as data is still coming in and the situation seems to change daily.
We will continue our regular updates 1st & 3rd Fridays between now and then. Be aware that we have been revising our fulfilment timetables and are planning on bringing in extra staff to accelerate the actual process of shipping, so if we can begin Wave One in January, it will not be a full 4 months before we ship Wave 10.
As before, we will continue to update you all on this timeline as we get information in.
When Does My Wave Ship?
A lot of people are asking «when does Wave #X Ship?» and our answer at this time is that we will not know when a specific waves will ship until we have everything in hand and can realistically estimate how quickly each Wave will take. We ask that you be patient as we await the final product and gather the necessary timetables.
We promise that before we begin any actual shipments, and Update will be posted with the actual Start Date of Fulfilment Shipping, and our estimated timelines at that point.