Итоги голосования для комментария:
Шаношт Мы тут говорим про уровни абстракции. Вот предположим у кого-то Resources +3. Купить тачку (если это прям важно и нужно что-то кидать) может действительно быть бросок против +3, +4, или больше. Если речь идет о взятке за хулиганку, она явно будет с меньшей сложностью.
А если даже и бросок будет провален, то скорее всего, это просто даст какой-нибудь сюжетный поворот.

Про что там в правилах о тратах, я сейчас цитату найду.
Limiting resources
If someone is using the Resources skill a bit too often, or you just want to represent how continually tapping into your source of wealth provides diminishing returns, you can try one of the following ideas:
• any time a character succeeds at a Resources roll, but doesn’t succeed with style, give them a situation aspect that reflects their temporary loss of wealth, like Thin Wallet or Strapped for Cash. If it happens again, just rename the aspect as something worse—Strapped for Cash becomes Dead Broke, Dead Broke becomes Debt to Creditors. The aspect is not a consequence, but it should make good compel fodder for characters who are shopping until they drop. it can go away if the character takes a break from spending cash, or at the end of the session.
• every time the character succeeds at a Resources roll, decrease the skill by one level for the remainder of that session. if they succeed at a Resources roll at mediocre (+0), they can no longer make any Resources rolls that session.
If you really want to get crazy, you can make finances a category of conflict and give each character a wealth stress track, giving them extra stress boxes for having a high Resources, but we don’t recommend going that far unless you plan on making material wealth a major part of your game.