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nekroz читаю квикстарт
игра серьезно сдвинута в сторону настолки
например, этот кусок правил:

When the team of PCs engages in an operation
together, the GM asks the group «Who's on point?»
One of the players chooses to put their character in
the point role.
The character on point leads the action of the team.
They go first and make decisions about how to deal
with obstacles. They're also the first to face any harm
or trouble that comes their way.
All the other PCs on the team are backup for the
character on point. The backup characters are
following their lead, on the lookout for danger, ready
to step in and help.
The point and backup roles shift as the team takes
action. During the course of an operation, each PC is
likely to have a turn in both roles. There's no official
«team leader» as far as the game is concerned.
Moves on Point
When you're on point, in addition to normal actions
and rolls, you have access to three special moves:
Lead a group action.
Overcome an obstacle or danger for the whole team.
Set up a character who follows on your action.
After you perform any special move on point, you
become backup and someone else takes point. The
special moves are detailed below.