Итоги голосования для комментария:
nekroz я не знаю, как решались такие проблемы раньше, но вот как выглядит рулбук этого года выпуска:
»The X-Card
Since the themes and issues that Urban Shadows raises are sometimes disturbing
and uncomfortable, we encourage you to play with an X-Card at your
table. The X-Card, designed by John Stavropolous, is a tool that helps groups
manage difficult content without setting artificial boundaries or flagging
uncomfortable topics in advance.

To quote John:

The X-Card is an optional tool that allows anyone in your game (including
you) to edit out any content anyone is uncomfortable with as you play. Since
most RPGs are improvisational and we won’t know what will happen till it
happens, it’s possible the game will go in a direction people don’t want. An
X-Card is a simple tool to fix problems as they arise.
To use, at the start of your game, simply say:
“I’d like your help. Your help to make this game fun for everyone. If anything
makes anyone uncomfortable in any way… [ draw X on an index card ] …
just lift this card up, or simply tap it [ place card at the center of the table ].
You don’t have to explain why. It doesn’t matter why. When we lift or tap this
card, we simply edit out anything X-Carded. And if there is ever an issue,
anyone can call for a break and we can talk privately. I know it sounds funny
but it will help us play amazing games together and usually I’m the one who
uses the X-Card to protect myself from all of you! Thank you!”

We’ve found that anything that gets X-Carded during play can be replaced
by something equally dark, mysterious, and troubling that doesn’t push our
group to bad places. We trust your collective imagination to do the same!
You’ll always think of some other terrible thing the vampire prince was going
to do or some other dark ritual the Oracle needs to perform. Don’t let yourself
be bound by something so mundane as the first thing you thought of in
a scene.

More on the X-Card can be found at tinyurl.com/x-card-rpg.