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uac я теперь с новым словом: invocation. это такая способность клирика делать хорошо быстрым действием раз за бой.

Invocation: A quick action that offers advantages in battle. It can be made once a day. More than one cleric in a party cannot use the same invocation during a battle.

Примеры инвокаций:
Invocation of Healing: This battle, you gain an additional use of the heal spell.
Invocation of Justice/Vengeance: This battle, add double your level to the miss damage of your attacks and the attacks of your nearby allies.
Invocation of Life/Death: This battle, you and each of your allies can each separately add the escalation die to a single save made by that character.

сразу просится «молитва», поскольку речь всё-таки о клирике, но… что-то меня останавливает. есть идеи?