Итоги голосования для комментария:
StMiha Magic is the act of drawing down Supernal reality into the
Fallen World, and changing the mundane world by dint of
higher laws, which hold precedence over lower laws. This is
not a mechanical and efficient process. It’s an Art, made
challenging by a mage’s degree of Supernal understanding,
and mistakes occur. Therein lies the irony: The more a mage
knows the Supernal, the less she heeds the Fallen World’s
precedents, and the more likely it is that she’ll impose the
higher upon the lower too forcefully.
knows the Supernal
Вероятно, Гнозис и определяет степень познания за Супернальное. Впрочем, в линейке существуют и другие точки зрения на проблему.