Итоги голосования для комментария:
Это было событием эпичным, впечатляющим и несомненно потрясающе драматичным.
… нет, я бы не назвал это ни одним из вышеперечисленного. Я бы присоединился к тем, кто считает End Times по сути фанфикшеном фанатов Хаоса, чья суть сводится к «все умерли, а Хаос все равно побеждает!». И вообще, процитирую то, с чем согласен:

Chaos always wins. The assertion that the ending was original ignores the existence of genres such as noir, but also ignores GW's own latter canon. Chaos is always depicted as ascendant to the point of nihilism. Good guys have not been allowed anything but the most Pyrrhic victories for about ten years now. The ending they selected was the predictable, tedious Chaos fan fiction anyone following the material could have grimly come to forecast. By choosing to destroy the world, GW have done two things in this way: told us that all the dreaming and imagining and fighting we did for that world was utterly pointless. They've also put themselves in a bind: what is the incentive to get involved when the triumph of chaos is inevitable? Why would we care about the new world when chaos will inevitably destroy that in the end as well? Why live when death is inevitable? Perhaps more to the point, what's to stop GW from hitting the 'chaos wins' button again a few years after we've got used to the new canon? In a way, GeeDubs finally got the Storm of Chaos they really wanted, now without that pesky element known as «fanbase interaction» meddling with the writers as they essentially fapped off to Chaos killing everyone because they're so awesome and — wait, why's everyone leaving? What do you mean, 'we liked those other guys'?
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