Итоги голосования для комментария:
Там нет рекомендации не использовать, равно как нет рекомендации использовать. Правила просто допускают изменения результатов бросков. И это все.
И да, допускается кидать в открытую, особенно начинающим DM, так как это создает ощущение справедливости.
Though it’s considered more polite to call it “fudging,” cheating happens—sometimes a GM will be tempted to alter a die roll to make the story go a certain way, or to save a player character from a blow that would kill them
and knock a fun personality out of the game. Should the GM give in to the temptation to cheat? And if the GM is truly in control of the world, and making his or her rolls in secret—is it really cheating at all?
There are several schools of thought on the matter. One side says that the dice are there to assist the story, not determine it—if a GM needs to occasionally alter or totally fabricate some die rolls for the sake of making
an encounter a perfect challenge for the players without killing them, then he’s just doing his job. Others say that it’s the randomness which creates the realism and sense of danger, and that PCs who believe the GM won’t let them die lose half the fun. And a third notes that GMs who clearly cheat or have too many coincidences—the party’s powerful new items always getting stolen by sticky-fingered half lings, or villains being saved by miracle rolls when a player comes up with an unexpectedly effective strategy—undermine the players’ enjoyment, and subtly encourage the players to cheat as well.
Where you fall on the spectrum is a personal call, but if you do decide to fudge rolls for the sake of the game, it’s best done in secret, and as infrequently as possible. And only—only—if it results in more fun for everyone.
Все те же самые рекомендации. Использовать ради игры и фана игроков.
К счастью я видимо предпочитаю что поновее, с тех пор игры далеко ушли
К сожалению это вы не в курсе о методах вождения современных игр.
Да, неужели так сложно написать название системы, покоторой играете? Интрига сохраняется.