В твоём ответе я вижу сразу несколько странных предположений о PtbA: — ходы срабатывают по триггеру, без оценки мастером. Без всех этих
По мне тот же «Покажи признаки приближающейся опасности» куда более конкретен чем «succeed at a serious cost». Ну, или «ты спотыкаешься, сомневаешься или дрогнул: мастер предложит тебе вариант похуже, трудное решение или тяжелый выбор» конкретнее «you attain your goal or get what you were after, but at a minor cost»
Fate: «attack action is the most straightforward of the four actions—when you want to hurt someone in a conflict, it’s an attack» DW: «When you attack an enemy in melee»
Fate: «When your character’s in one of these situations and there’s something between her and her goals, you use the overcome action to deal with it» DW: «When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, say how you deal with it and roll»
Но принцип ровно тот же: подходит под описание действия/хода — используй его.
Ну вот тут не помешает цитата из рулбука.
Whenever there’s a pause in the conversation and everyone looks to you to say something, choose one of these things and say it. They aren’t technical terms or jargon: “announce future badness,” for instance, means think of something bad that’s probably going to happen in the future, and announce it. “Make them buy” means the thing they want? They’re looking to you to tell them if they can have it? If they want it, they have to buy it. And so on. — AW116