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Arris С заклинанием клонирования проблема: душу надо переносить.

Насколько я понимаю дыдовые сеттинги — перенос души из тела в тело — прерогатива богов. А боги кррррайне не любят существ, способных теоретически выйти на один уровень с ними (ну за всех богов я не говорю, но таких большинство и им нужны верные последователи, клерики и рабы, а не коллеги-по-божественному).

А бессмертие через перенос души из тела в тело — первый шаг по лестнице к божественному.

Вот и приходится извращаться — или ритуал личизации проводить, душу архивируя в филактерий или shade transformation мутить.

Напомню: на Кринне один единственный маг за всю историю умел переносить свою душу из тела в тело, да и то — с попустительства Такхизис. И кончилось это для него печально — нашелся парень хитрее.

Shade Transformation (Alteration, Illusion)

Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 week
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Keith Taylor <ktaylor@phoenix.cs.uga.edu>

This was researched by Darklight in order to recreate the fabled transformation of a mortal into undying shadow‑stuff. It was seen as an alternative to a potion of longevity (which is difficult to make) or lichdom (which brings the stigma of undead onto oneself). The experiment was successful, as this spell attests.
The spell is highly difficult to cast, taking a full month of preparation (involving rare and dangerous components) before casting, and an entire week to cast (the caster might have to take precautions not to fall asleep during the casting). It irrevocably changes the caster of the spell into the type of creature known to men as a shade (see the Monster Manual II).
The body of the caster is infused and altered with shadow‑stuff from the plane of shadow. This process permanently incurs a psychological weakness in the caster, amplifying some trait which formerly existed into a true downfall. This may not actually cause the shade to be incapable of happiness or meaningful existence, but it does add an element of the tragic into their nature.
The wizard may continue to advance in levels after becoming a shade, but will probably be more comfortable living on the plane of shadow. The wizard gains all the powers and vulnerabilities of a shade, including becoming immortal unless slain.
This process costs anywhere from 10,000–60,000 gp, and involves the heart of a shadow dragon, cloaker blood, and phase spider venom. It is not an evil process, but the shadowphilic nature of shade‑life is not appealing to a truly good creature. It is best suited for neutral (or evil) beings. The shadow‑mage Darklight has undergone this process, and has lived for several centuries as a shade, during which time most of his spell research has taken place.
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