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Zoid Любую расу можно представить интересной, если приложить усилие. Возьми, например, Red Tide:
Dwarves are a fatalist, stoic sort, tempered by pride and the will to defy the gods rather than bowing to a tyrant. In ancient times, they were humans enslaved by a wicked goddess called the Mother Below, who forced them to mine deep beneath the earth to bring her back the gold that she desired so much. They were bent and shaped by ages of endless toil, until a council of elders gathered and said, «you know what? We're sick of this shit.»
So they rose and murdered the shit out of their goddess, shattering her into ten thousand pieces. Dwarves don't fuck around.
Ever since then, the dwarves have taken no other god, and only worship their ancestor spirits. When they die, their shades are hunted in the afterlife by furious fragments of the Mother Below, so they gather into large afterlife delves to fight them off forever. The struggle is eternal but they hold on through their courage, their love for each other… and their gold.

Dwarves are markedly different in this regard from all others. Only men fight and build, and women have pretty much no chance of taking up these roles without societal shunning. But it cuts both ways, too: only women craft and trade, and men who pretend to those roles will find a similar fate as their female opposites. In fact, there are (don't laugh) men's rights organizations in dwarf delves, but rather that posting to the Undernet about how they're incels and the womyn rule everything and it's so harsh, man, what they want is to get men access to female positions because if a young boy wants to be the very best blacksmith like his mother was, that's his own damn business. While most right-minded dwarves scoff at the idea of using «mannish» goods, these organizations have made inroads in some delves. Unfortunately, their female counterparts have not been as successful.
Как говорится, metal as fuck.
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