Итоги голосования для комментария:
Dmitry Gerasimov
Much torment has arisen from people perceiving GNS as a labelling device. Used properly, the terms apply only to decisions, not to whole persons nor to whole games. To be absolutely clear, to say that a person is (for example) Gamist, is only shorthand for saying, «This person tends to make role-playing decisions in line with Gamist goals.» Similarly, to say that an RPG is (for example) Gamist, is only shorthand for saying, «This RPG's content facilitates Gamist concerns and decision-making.» For better or for worse, both of these forms of shorthand are common.

(Понятийный аппарат довольно быстро подвергся пересмотру (видно уже по следующей статье, про Right to Dream), но движение было скорее в сторону от типизации участников).