Итоги голосования для комментария:
Kammerer Ах да, дополню, в чем соврал при описании пятой части, насчет enviromental storytelling.
В модуле есть таки указания, что стоит когда подсказывать.
Например, С1:
The desk once included computers that allowed instant communication with the rest of the ship, but the crash damaged them-now, the machinery here merely flashes and blinks in random patterns. Occasionally, garbled lines
of scrambled Androffan text or images of strange creatures flash briefly on one of the monitors on the desk-feel free
to have the PCs catch glimpses ofliving kasathas, akatas, weedwhips, or any of the other creatures they're fated to
encounter in this adventure if you wish.
This room saw frequent use by Divinity's science teams, as it was in labs like this one that they studied rock and soil samples taken from various world. Most, but not all, of the samples here were from the kasatha homeworld.
The workstations to the north were used to catalog and research various geological topics, but as with most of the other computer monitors in the ruins, time and the crash landing have scrambled the contents of these records. If someone can read Androffan, a few minutes of work can confirm this room was a geology lab, and that the bulk of the most recent samples came from a planet referred to both as «CX-335» (Divinity's original code for the planet) and as «Kasath» (the name used by the kasathas, the planet's most advanced race). The planet itselfis described as an arid world with little water, violent weather patterns, and savage inhabitants of a predominantly hexapodous nature. Perhaps the most interesting bit of information to be learned here is simple confirmation that the habitat dome area was built specifically to mimic life on the surface ofKasath.
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