Итоги голосования для комментария:
Dmitry Gerasimov
Philosophies who foolishly challenge the Lady’s power get Mazes all their own. Given the choice of not holding a given idea or winding up in the Mazes, it’s easy to see why some philosophies have died off. The most often told tale’s about the Communals, sods who held that everything belonged to everyone, including the Lady’s share of the power. One day, everyone in the Communal headquarters (the City Provisioner’s) vanished. The best guess is they were all trapped into one Maze in the Ethereal Plane. Pretty quick, no cutter admitted being a Communal, but it’s said there’s still a small colony of true believers out on the Astral somewhere.
Given that example, it’s no surprise the factions police their own.
(S&B, p. 64)

По крайней мере, из последней строчки следует, что Коммуналы перешли некоторую красную линию, которую другие Фракции с тех пор стараются соблюдать.