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1. n. One who undertakes or engages to perform any business; one who engages in any project or business; a projector.
2. n. Specifically— One who stipulates or covenants to perform certain work for another; a contractor.
3. n. One who became surety or guarantee for another, or undertook to answer for him.
4. n. One whose business is to make preparations for the burial of the dead, and to manage funerals. (четвёртое значение, обратите внимание)
5. n. In British history, a man of authority or influence who undertook to induce or assure particular legislation; usually, one of those who assured the king that if he would grant some concession, they would undertake that the Commons should vote desired supplies.
6. n. In English history, a contractor for the collection of revenue, or the enforcement of purveyance for the royal household.
7. n. In Scots hist., one of a party of Lowland adventurers who, in the reign of James VI., by authority of the crown, attempted to colonize some of the Hebrides, and so displace the original Celtic population. One of a body of English and Scottish adventurers who, in the latter part of the sixteenth century, undertook to hold lands in Ireland which were regarded as the property of the crown or of Englishmen.

(c)Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia