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Dmitry Gerasimov
This [ссылка на ныне почивший новостной сайт по статьей об увлечении подозреваемого в серии убийств игрой в D&D — D.G.] kind of thing answers the question, «How do we market RPGs and make people aware of them?»

The biggest period of success for both of my main obsessions [ролевые игры и тижолый митал — D.G.]happened at a time when they were being accused of inspiring this sort of thing and they were both in the news constantly for contributing to the downfall of civilization.

It may be a chicken-egg thing (did the publicity feed their popularity or did their popularity draw the publicity?), but I don't think it's a coincidence.

That said, what a bunch of shit.

Джим Рагги, февраль 2010.