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For example, if a bear has the moves:
• tear someone apart
• intimidating roar
Does the player just spend hold, messily tear a bandit into bloody chunks, and cause the remainder to flee? This seems pretty powerful, and could quickly overshadow the other characters. Any sort of «auto-success» moves seem like they could dominate the story.
The druid just spends to do what an animal would, yes.
Keep the fiction in mind though: a bear has «tear someone apart» which means some poor human is probably dead, but something like a treant? Probably not. It'll hurt and might, say, rip of some branches that won't be there anymore to smack you, but not outright kill.
They way to look at the druid's shapeshift is that it's a bit more like saving up a success for later. Turning into a bear does give you some «free» attacks, but only as a bear would, nothing fancy like the fighter might attempt to disarm or something. Basically the druid is locking in some future successes at the cost of the animal's limitations.
By «limitations» I'm just thinking stuff like «oh crap there's a bear I'd better attack that instead of that chumb in armor» or whatever.
«Intimidating roar» is an interesting animal move. I wouldn't assume that a bear's roar would scare off a group of people—a dude or two, sure. But a big group? probably just draws their attention, which is useful, but dangerous as well.
Это конечно круто, но примерно переводится как:
«Разрывание на куски без броска каждым действием может затмить партийного файтера? Да не, это полная фигня дракона же он так не разорвет, да и обезоружить врага не сможет! Не забудьте про недостатки, например друид превратился в медведя, а враг посмотрел на медведя и убил вместо этого мага.
А что же касается пугающего рыка, я бы сказал что у него есть две функции, он либо запугивает ваших врагов ну не больше двух, либо вообще не работает.»