Итоги голосования для комментария:
Александр Leeder
Кстати, по поводу «ослепления».
Цитата из корбука DFRPG.
Blinding:Your character does something that
temporarily blinds the target, such as throwing
sand or salt in his face, smearing a chemical
across his eyes, etc. This could be done with
Athletics, Fists, or Weapons, and would probably be opposed by Athletics. If successful, this
puts a Blinded aspect on the target which you
can tag or invoke to make attacks easier and to
boost defense against the blinded character’s
attacks. It’s possible this aspect could also be
compelled to make the target accidentally attack
the wrong guy or change direction or something
like that, or even to stumble headlong off a cliff
if the group is open to it.
При этом это явно временное ослепление. Мы же не о 8-очковом экстремальном последствии «слепота» говорим, правда?