умею логически мыслить и понимаю, что ссылка на единичный пример может служить существования, а не универсальности;
внимательно читал правила GURPS и помню, что на с. 502 написано:
There are three kinds of encounters: planned, improvised, and random. Ideally, as you run the game, your players should never know which kind is which!
Planned Encounters The GM works these out in advance: when the adventurers come to this place, they meet these people (or animals, or whatever). All the important encounters in your adventure should be planned.
Random Encounters The GM might wish to generate some encounters at random. One technique is to use a “random encounter table”: a list of encounters keyed to a roll of the dice. See Sample Encounter Table (p. 503) for a simple example. Some “adventures” consist mainly of such tables, allowing play to proceed for hours with no planning at all! This is great for a quick game, but not in the same league with a “real” adventure.