Whenever a character does something that obviously demands a roll, but you don’t quite see how to deal with it, double check first whether it counts as doing something under fire. Come here first. … When you do something under fire, or dig in to endure fire, roll+cool. On a 10+, you do it.
Bran the savvyhead’s got less than a minute to get Frankie’s car started again before Balls and friends are on them. (On a 7–9, maybe I give him a worse outcome: he gets the car started, but Balls’ first couple of people are there already. I picture him tearing away with Poor Skimla clinging to the boot.) He hits the roll with a 10, so good for him. “The engine coughs, coughs, catches, starts,” I say. “Poor Skimla thinks she can still catch you, but she can’t, she just looks stupid sprinting after you.”
On a 7–9, when it comes to the worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice, you’ll need to look at the circumstances and find something fun.